General Rules & Regulations

The School Management Board has laid down all the rules and regulations to be followed by the Institution. All the action and decisions will be taken by the Disciplinary Committee set up by the School Management Board. These regulations shall be called the regulations for Conduct and Discipline of the Institute. In order to form proper habits and attitudes, the following rules for good conduct are expected to be obeyed by every student at EES.


  1. Classes begin and end with Prayer. All the students are expected to learn and say their prayers with sincerity.
  2. Pupils must be present in the School premises by 8:30 am for the School Assembly.
  3. Late arrival to School is a breach of discipline. A student who comes late to the school shall not enter the class without the permission of the Principal
  4. One of the most important aspects of education is the discipline which should eventually be inculcated within them. Discipline is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency and a strong personality and the strongest ladder of success
  5. Basic to all discipline is the principal of respect, respect for one’s self, for teachers, elders, parents and all others around us. Courtesy and consideration for all members of the school community
  6. No act of indiscipline, insubordination, interference, and disrespect to any teacher, student or any faculty members will be tolerated & those found guilty may even be expelled from the school.
  7. Speaking in English is compulsory in the school compound.
  8. Silence should be maintained in places and times designated for silence.
  9. Respect for all school properties and any damage or sabotage done deliberately by anyone would evoke heavy penalty in terms of fine in cash or in-kind
  10. Wearing of school uniform is mandatory at all costs. The pupils are not allowed to sit for the classes without proper School Uniform. The School accepts no responsibility if through failure in wearing the school uniform the child is obliged to return home during class hours. The School will not be responsible if anything untoward happens when a student is sent home for the above reason.
  11. No books (other than textbook or library books), magazines or Newspapers may be brought to the School without the permission of the Authority
  12. Failure in bringing books to class or signature of parents on remarks written by teacher in the Report Book or on the absence record in the diary etc may result for a notice from the School
  13. Students may be dismissed from the institution for disobeying the rules and regulations prescribed by the authorities, misconduct, lack of progress in study, or taking part in any movement to create any kind of disturbance in the school or hostel. A student using unfair means during class tests or examinations will be punished. Students who do not complete the assigned demonstration of procedures in the stipulated time will have to repeat the year.

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Welcome to Eleazar English School, Naharlagun
